It’s another season of America’s Got Talent and what a great way to start off the season than a montage to the song “This is Me,” from The Greatest Showman. This year, expect to see the talented and the um, not-so-talented. Here are highlights from this season’s two-hour premiere. Once we get to the finalists we’ll have odds and predictions:
The show opens up with cat lovers Marina and Svetlana, who they try to get to jump through hoops and he did it and sat up and begged, walked on barrels and more. One even dove from about 12 feet up. Wow, I didn’t think they’d do it. Simon stands. Howard talks about how dogs do that, not cats and that’s great. They advance with four yesses.
These @SavitskyCats are the
MEOW! #AGTpremiere
— America’s Got Talent (@AGT) May 30, 2018
Card magician Shin XX follows another card magician. Simon just said he was bored with them, so hopefully he’s more entertaining. Tyra comes out to help. Tyra picks a card and writes her name. He erases the entire card on his chest. Great act. Howie: By leaps and bounds, you’re like the best slight of hand card magician I’ve ever seen.
.@ShinLimMagic is something you have to
to believe! #AGTpremiere
— America’s Got Talent (@AGT) May 30, 2018
It’s too funny that the next contestant comes in and wants to be a judge, not on-air talent.
The family band called “We Three” played a song in honor of their mom, who passed away two years ago. I love his voice and this song and can hear them on a radio, but I’m not sure they’ll get far in the competition. I do, however, think this is a great stepping stone for them.
This one comes from the
. Get ready to fall in love with @wethreemusic. #AGTpremiere
— America’s Got Talent (@AGT) May 30, 2018
Mel was crying and Simon and Howie loved it. Simon said it felt like a record and their voices were on point. Four yesses from them.
LaFontane Unmane — human water fountains — are up next and the judges think they are fun and put them through. Wow. Simon: It wasn’t amazing, it was just stupid. I agree with Simon. Junior New System, a dance group from the Philippines, blow the judges away and their backstory is so sad. They danced in four-inch heels. Awesome. So fun.
.@JNSOfficial ends with a BANG you never saw coming. #AGTpremiere
— America’s Got Talent (@AGT) May 30, 2018
Of course, they go through.
Rapper AGT14-year-old Flau’jae raps about her father’s death from gun violence. So good. She breaks down after singing. Mel: “You’re only 14? I love you.” Four yesses.
We all need to hear @Flaujae's words. #AGTpremiere
— America's Got Talent (@AGT) May 30, 2018
So many other great performers in the first episode, including one of my favorites of the night, comedian Vicki Barbolak. Even before she started on stage, she was making me laugh.
Need a laugh? @VickiBarbolak has got the perfect cure. #AGTpremiere
— America's Got Talent (@AGT) May 30, 2018
Howie said she filled the void left by Joan Rivers. Simon said the she’s the funniest person on the show. Four yesses.
Are you ready to be scared after laughing so hard — watch Sacred Riana…
Think you're brave enough to watch @rianariani's audition home alone?#AGTpremiere
— America's Got Talent (@AGT) May 30, 2018
Welcome to America’s Got Talent. I’m a scared.
Did anyone get the Golden Buzzer?
Yes! Tyra hit it for Zurcaroh!
Witness @zurcaroh's GOLDEN
performance. #AGTpremiere
— America's Got Talent (@AGT) May 30, 2018