Dang, I love So You Think You Can Dance — have I said that too many times? Tough. LOL Now let’s get to the recap of this week’s auditions. Here’s the recap of this week’s episode.
Emily Carr, 18, is up first in this So You Think You Can Dance episode. She has great control of her body. My only concern is that she takes words literally — covering her hands with her eyes for blind, etc. — which is a bit too much but as Nigel said “you set a standard.” Twitch talks about the power she possesses and the fact that she gave in her ribs for a second set of abs. They talk about her sister who can dance and Nigel pulls her up on the stage. I love this, but it’s her sister’s moment too! But they didn’t have her dance. Wow.
Feel the passion and watch the latest emotional #SYTYCD now: https://t.co/oHSNkYlHPb
— SYTYCD (@DANCEonFOX) June 19, 2018
Gabriel Alvarez, 28, is up next and comes out with the world’s biggest hula hoop. I think it’s interesting, but I don’t think he’s dancing. It’s more like a trick. Vanessa says he’s not dancing. Agreed. Twitch says it’s special, but I want to see dancing. He asks for a beat and Nigel gives him another opportunity. He’s a little slow getting started, but his breaking is decent. Nigel wasn’t impressed. Twitch liked it. They are split in their decisions, but he ultimately gets a no.
A tap dancer, Evan DeBenedetto, got through but got cut on So You Think You Can Dance Season 14 on the green mile. Okay, I loved him last year and he’s so damn talented. All four judges stand. Of course he gets through to the Academy.
Rachel Blanchard, 18, is a jazz dancer and she’s great to watch, but I’m not crazy about the choreography. Mary says her dancing is more like cotton candy and Nigel called the dance juvenile, but they say her skills are great and she can be polished. Twitch said more work to be done and says no. She gets through to the Academy.
She’s feelin’ the
#SYTYCD pic.twitter.com/4xz0tRwYQD
— SYTYCD (@DANCEonFOX) June 19, 2018
Animators are fun to watch and Kyle Bennett Jr. is up next to impress the judges. He got through to the So You Think You Can Dance Academy last year, but wasn’t chosen. So dope! says Twitch. You can be a star on this season if you know other styles. He gets a ticket to the Academy.
Victoria Neukom, a contemporary dancer, is up next. Her control is gymnastics ridiculous! Twitch loves how she uses the length of her body. Mary says she’s absolutely gorgeous and it was an amazing audition. Nigel said it was based on more gymnastics and wanted more dance moves.
Twins Gratsiela and Desislava Sandeva, 24, are dancing hip-hop next. They are too cute, but I think their dancing is lacking a bit. Twitch is so funny watching them. He loves it. Twitch said it was fun and the basic elements were there, but where they are right there it didn’t pack that punch. Mary said not strong enough. They don’t get through.
Salsa fun!
The last contestant of the night Elan Lurie and Jordynn Lurie — brother and sister salsa dancers. They are fabulous. Think that they got through? LOL Duh. Of course they did!
Look, mom, no hands!
#SYTYCD pic.twitter.com/9cszj5fkFC
— SYTYCD (@DANCEonFOX) June 19, 2018
Until next week!