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WWE Smackdown Recap: Phenomenal Main Event

Tonight, Smackdown features a rematch between 9-time Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho and “The Phenomenal One,” AJ Styles. Fastlane is only ten days away, and maybe tonight will determine some more matches that will appear on the Pay-Per-View.

Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles
Three weeks ago on Monday Night Raw, AJ Styles defeated Chris Jericho in his Monday Night Raw and singles match debut, and it has been getting under Jericho’s skin ever since. Either Jericho will redeem himself, or Styles will prove to Jericho that he is “great.”

The match starts, and before Jericho and Styles even lock up, the Social Outcasts interrupt for some reason. Social Outcasts start beating on Jericho, and Styles makes the save. This leads to a tag team match after the break.

Chris Jericho & AJ Styles vs. Social Outcasts
This is a bit of an uncanny team, but sometimes wrestlers need to make temporary alliances to conquer a greater threat. What’s interesting about this pairing (and what’s unfortunate for the Social Outcasts) is that Styles and Jericho spend the whole match just trying to 1-up each other.

Jericho hits a Lionsault on Adam Rose, and Styles tags himself in to finish Rose off with a springboard forearm smash. Winners: AJ Styles & Chris Jericho

After the match, Jericho is obviously pissed that Styles tagged himself in to win the match, and hits him with a Codebreaker. They still face each other later on in the night.

In-ring Promo
On Monday Night Raw this week, the Dudley Boyz teamed up with the Usos to defeat The New Day and Mark Henry in a tables match. After the match, the Dudleys turned on the Usos, and put both of them through tables. Tonight, they explain themselves.

They are tired of fans only chanting for the tables, instead of the two men behind nine tag team title reigns. In order for the fans to stop chanting for the tables, they are getting rid of them entirely.

Sasha Banks vs. Naomi (w/Tamina)
The first thing I noticed about this match was something in Naomi’s entrance. Under the Titantron, there was a screen that displayed “Team B.A.D.,” as well as Sasha Banks’s name. Just like how Banks was on commentary for Becky Lynch’s match on Raw, Lynch is on commentary for Banks’s match tonight.

After submitting Naomi with the Bank Statement, Sasha Banks picks up the win. Winner: Sasha Banks

The Wyatt Family Promo
Bray Wyatt and his family are some of the most dominant Superstars in WWE today, and there is a video package to show off the destruction they have cause over the last few weeks.

The Wyatt Family’s goal is to take down all of the titans in WWE, which is why they attacked Kane, Big Show, Brock Lesnar, and Ryback over the last few weeks.

Stardust & The Ascension vs. Neville & The Lucha Dragons
Before this match, there was a comic book-like graphic with all of the competitors, which is a throwback to Stardust’s feud with Neville over the summer. There have been some rumors of Stardust reigniting his feud with Arrow star Stephen Amell, and that comic book graphic might mean that those rumors will come true.

Fun fact for those who don’t watch NXT (you should): The Ascension holds the record for longest NXT Tag Team Championship, defeating every team that crossed their path, until they were dethroned by none other than the Lucha Dragons.

Kalisto hits the Salida Del Sol, Sin Cara delivers the Swanton Bomb, and Neville lands the Red Arrow on Konnor for the win. Winners: Neville & The Lucha Dragons

AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho, for real this time.
After Jericho hit Styles with the Codebreaker earlier on in the night, Styles has his opportunity to get his revenge.

This match was by far the best match Jericho has put on in quite a while, and there is sure to be more to come from Y2J. After countering Styles’s attempt at a springboard maneuver, Y2J hits the Codebreaker for the win. Winner: Chris Jericho

To end the show, Mauro Ranallo announces that next week, Brock Lesnar will be on Smackdown for first time in about a dozen years.

Written by Travis Brinkley

Travis Brinkley is the Wrestling Contributor for Get More Sports who watches WWE and Lucha Underground. Occasionally, he will also write about sports video games.

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