We’re getting closer to voting time on American Idol, but before we get there, the top 24 need to compete for one of the coveted top spots. First a reminder that these are your Top 24. The ones in bold are the singers who performed last night and will perform again with a celebrity tonight. By the end of the show, five singers will be eliminated from the competition. There will be another round for the last seven next week.
Adam Sanders / Ada Vox
Alyssa Raghu
Amelia Hammer Harris
Brandon Diaz – Hello
Cade Foehner – All Along the Watchtower
Caleb Lee Hutchinson
Catie Turner — Her voice is one of my faves. She sang Call Me.
Dennis Lorenzo — Rude
Dominique – – Ain’t Nobody
Effie Passero
Gabby Barrett – My Church
Garrett Jacobs
Jonny Brenns – Georgia
Kay Kay – Love on the Brain
Layla Spring — for the record, she’s one of my favorites. She sang A Broken Wing
Maddie Poppe
Mara Justine
Marcio Donaldson
Michael J. Woodard – Golden Slumbers
Michelle Sussett – If I Were a Boy
Ron Bultongez
Shannon O’Hara
Trevor McBane – Way Down We Go
We will be allowed to vote once we get to the Top 10.
Let’s kick off the show with Andy Grammar and Catie Turner singing “Good to be Alive.” Her voice is amazing. Of course, she’s still fun to watch and this song showcases that. I do feel like Andy is overpowering her a bit though, but that high note was fantastic. When this girl gets on stage, she seems like a seasoned performer. Awesome. Judges say she “killed it.”
Long-haired rocker Cade Foehner is singing “Never Tear Us Apart” with Scottish singer Bishop Briggs. Of course this song is right up his wheelhouse, so it’s easy for him. I’m not fond of Cade shaking his head so much when he’s doing his vibrato, but he is a good rock singer. Lionel told him “put the tickets on sale now!” Luke asked him if he wanted to come on tour already. Katie tells him, “You really have it.”
Wow, Layla Springs gets to sing with Sugarland. I hope she’ll be able to sing because her mouth is wide open. Singing “Stuck Like Glue,” a fun country song that’s perfect for this 16-year-old. Layla is so damn cute, with pipes of a professional.
like an old pro @laylaspring #americanidol https://t.co/4wsqhXN92g
— Ryan Seacrest (@RyanSeacrest) April 10, 2018
Following Layla is Dominique and Aloe Blacc singing “Wake Me Up When It’s All Over,” and he did a great job. Lionel Richie told him that he doesn’t realize that he’s getting so close to being famous.
That moment when you come to the realization that you might be capable of being famous! @LegitDominique @aloeblacc #AmericanIdol #IdolDuets pic.twitter.com/qgLI1etCN1
— American Idol (@AmericanIdol) April 10, 2018
Brandon Diaz meets Latin pop artist Luis Fonsi singing Despacito, shocking Katy Perry with his abilities. Brandon Diaz is doing a great job, but it’s not my favorite performance of the night yet. It’s ‘okay.’
That moment when @BrandonDMusic pulls out his secret weapon on stage! #AmericanIdol #IdolAllStars pic.twitter.com/V9REoLNSml
— American Idol (@AmericanIdol) April 10, 2018
In the next duet, it’s Kay Kay with Train’s Pat Monahan. Is it me or does Pat look a little like Jason Bateman or David Cassidy? Kay Kay did great on the harmony, but when she was singing solo, I wasn’t impressed this week. Lionel says that she took care of business, but I think that was a nice way of just saying “it was okay and you did what you could.”
.@kaykaydna’s very first duet?? She definitely took care of business! #AmericanIdol #IdolDuets pic.twitter.com/eKW3UkA23H
— American Idol (@AmericanIdol) April 10, 2018
Trevor McBane is now performing with Briggs too. Boy this is going to be a little different of a collaboration. They are singing “River.” At least Trevor got out of his all black and added a denim vest. He’s holding his own and I like his vibe here. He is doing really well.
.@trevormcbane and @thatgirlbishop bringing all kinds of vibes. #AmericanIdol
— Luke Bryan (@LukeBryanOnline) April 10, 2018
Michelle Sussett now gets to sing with Luis Fonsi and they sing, “I Can’t Make You Love Me.” A little rought at the beginning for Michelle, but she seems to relax after Luis sings. Lionel liked it and called them chemistry, but I’m not so sure. I wasn’t feeling it.
When @MichelleSussett gets on that stage with @LuisFonsi, it’s not just Venezuela that will be rooting for her – America will be, too!
#AmericanIdol #IdolAllStars pic.twitter.com/ynitXookU7
— American Idol (@AmericanIdol) April 10, 2018
Next up is Jonny Brenns and Andy Grammar, singing “Back Home.” Again, it’s ‘okay.’ Sounds like more shouting than anything. Luke wants to polish Jonny’s stage presence, but says it was nice that he stepped out of his comfort zone.
Speeding up the duets, they are doing pretty well, but now Dennis Lorenzo is up and he’s singing with Allen Stone. I want to get the results! He did a nice job. Michael J. Woodard duets with Pat Monahan. I like his voice, but he doesn’t do much for me as a performer. Singing with Sugarland is Gabby Barrett and they are singing “Stay.”
Ms. @GabbyBarrett_ is gonna show them how it’s done! What an instrument you have! And the poise and grace to hold it!! Sang Girl!!! – @JenniferNettles #AmericanIdol
— Sugarland (@Sugarlandmusic) April 10, 2018
Okay, who made it through:
Cade Foehner
Michelle Sussett
Dennis Lorenzo
Gabby Barrett
Jonny Brenns
Michael J Woodard
Catie Turner
I’m so sad that Layla Springs didn’t make it. I think that’s a mistake.
See you next week.