Indeed, last we heard from the Houston Astros sign-stealing scandal, baseball was gathering information and will consider harsh punishment if the organization is found guilty. However, internet detectives are doing their jobs to uncover footage of the Astros at their cheating best.
Now, from our friends at Reddit:
The Astros’ home K% dropped from 24.4% in 2016 to 16.6% in 2017. This 31.8% decrease is the largest single-season decrease in team K% since 2003.
Furthermore, take a look at this chart which evidences exactly the stat above in perfect color.
Undeniably, the evidence continues to mount.
Finally, let’s close this short post which was mostly published to show you the data above with a Trevor Plouffe series of tweets. Notably, Plouffe is a former player who is still well-tied into the game with current and former players.
He sheds a little more light into the tactics of the Astros. Obviously these guys are trained professionals, so don’t try this at home and or your little league games folks.
(I think im supposed to say that) I don’t have the footage in front of me but apparently you can see the Astros hitters looking toward right center before the pitch is thrown (where their bullpen is).
— Coach Trev (@trevorplouffe) November 14, 2019
We will continue to update the Houston Astros cheating and sign-stealing scandal by the day. Without question, this is the biggest story in sports right now.