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How I Would Book WrestleMania 32

WrestleMania 32 is getting closer and closer and, with it being only 52 days away, it is surprising that WWE has only announced one match so far for “The Grandest Stage of Them All.” Since there’s a lot of room left on the card, why not try to book it myself?

While thinking of how I would book WrestleMania 32, I chose how the card could do the best service to me as a fan, as well as taking what WWE has already planned into account. Since Fastlane has still yet to happen (and still has an incomplete match card), I will highlight the moments from Fastlane that will affect my version of WrestleMania 32.

The current Fastlane Card is as follows:

Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns – Winner faces Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 32
Everybody and their mother expects Roman Reigns to win this match. WWE is trying to do the Daniel Bryan story with Reigns, where he “overcomes” the Authority, and it is not going to pay off nearly as well. However, the audience would have a huge pop for The Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose. The crowd loves Ambrose because he isn’t the prototype of a Superstar like a Roman Reigns or a John Cena. He gets over for his charisma, as well as his complete unpredictability.

Ambrose was one of the final two competitors at the Royal Rumble along with Triple H, and the final segment of the Royal Rumble teased what could be a great match at WrestleMania. The fans are the most organically behind Ambrose, and Brock Lesnar is too much of a part timer for me to choose him as Triple H’s opponent. Winner: Dean Ambrose

On the night following Raw, Ambrose would vacate the Intercontinental Championship, leading to a tournament for the title.

Charlotte vs. Brie Bella – Divas Championship
Brie Bella is only getting a title shot because they need a filler opponent while saving Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch at WrestleMania 32. Along with that, both Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan have said that they want to start a family soon, so Brie would need some time off of television. Winner, and Still Divas Champion: Charlotte

Tamina & Naomi vs. Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch
This match has no immediate effect on my WrestleMania 32 booking, but it should be used to give Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch momentum leading up to the hopeful triple threat match for the Divas Championship. Winners: Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch

Kalisto vs. Alberto Del Rio – United States Championship
This feud has been going on for too long, and WWE hasn’t really been building it up as much as they did early on. This match is just a formality for Del Rio’s rematch clause, and will wrap up the feud with a win for Kalisto. Winner, and still United States Champion: Kalisto

WrestleMania 32 Fantasy Booked Card

Now here is my WrestleMania 32 match card, with explanations and results. As said earlier, this is a card that I would enjoy most as a fan. I’m not trying to book WrestleMania “better” than WWE.

Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch – Divas Championship
These three women are by far the most solid in-ring competitors currently on the main roster (other than perhaps Natalya), and if WWE lets them, they could easily have the best match of the night. They just split Banks from Team B.A.D., so this could be a great chance to make her a star outside of NXT.

Becky Lynch has done a great job getting herself over during her feud with Charlotte, and meanwhile, Charlotte became a great heel. However, I think it is time for “The Boss” to show fans on the main roster what they have been missing on NXT, and start her Divas Championship reign. Winner: Sasha Banks

Kalisto vs. Rusev – United States Championship
After Del Rio’s loss at Fastlane, Rusev will be pissed off that the rest of the League of Nations just keeps on losing, and wants to turn things around. By doing that, he challenges Kalisto to regain the United States championship that he lost at WrestleMania 31 to John Cena.

Kalisto has been doing really well as of late, and this is a feud that could last a couple of months if done well. In order for that to happen, Rusev has to pick up the victory. Afterwards, he would realize that he is the only person in the League of Nations that actually wins his matches, and leaves to be on his own again (with Lana, of course). Winner: Rusev

New Day vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The Usos – Tag Team Championship (TLC Match)
Last Monday on Raw, the Dudley Boyz turned on the Usos, for reasons yet unknown. Since that happened, we now have a feud triangle going on with these three teams. The last time there was a multi-team tag team ladder match, it was very successful, and gave Kalisto the “OMG Moment of the Year” Slammy award. I could see this match being TLC IV, continuing the legacy of what the Dudley Boyz started with Edge, Christian, and the Hardys.

New Day shall continue to dominate the tag team division with a win here, leading to a feud with Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady, who would debut on the post-WrestleMania Raw. Winners: New Day

Bray Wyatt (w/The Wyatt Family) vs. Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar is probably one of the most physically dominant Superstars of all time, but his job as a part-timer should be to put over talent. The Wyatt Family does a great job at attacking their opponents on Raw and Smackdown with great coordination and effectiveness. However, this incredibly destructive team never works well once Bray Wyatt is actually in a sanctioned match. This match against Brock Lesnar would be the perfect time to change that. If Wyatt could defeat “The Conqueror,” it would establish him as a true top heel, like he deserves.

There are also rumors that Braun Strowman will work a match against Lesnar at some point in the future (probably Summerslam), so this could set that up as well. Winner: Bray Wyatt

Dolph Ziggler vs. Curtis Axel (w/Social Outcasts)
This match would take place because of Dolph Ziggler losing to Kevin Owens at Fastlane. The next night on Raw, Social Outcasts would start making fun of Ziggler for losing to Owens the previous night, and would proceed to beat him down. In the following weeks, Ziggler would defeat Heath Slater, Adam Rose, and Bo Dallas, leading to a match at WrestleMania against Curtis Axel.

Most people would think that Ziggler has this in the bag, but instead, Axel takes him to the limit and picks up the win, building more momentum up for the Social Outcasts. Winner: Curtis Axel

AJ Styles vs. Damien Sandow – Intercontinental Championship
After Dean Ambrose vacates the Intercontinental title on Raw, there is a tournament to determine the new champion, with the finals taking place at WrestleMania. Everyone would expect AJ Styles to defeat all of his opponents, but no one would expect the Intellectual Savior, Damien Sandow, to make it this far. Sandow could have great promos with AJ leading up to this match, and the match itself would be great.

As great as it would be to give Sandow a championship after losing for the last two years, WrestleMania 32 could be a huge show with AJ Styles having his first “WrestleMania moment” by winning his first championship in the WWE. Winner: AJ Styles

The Undertaker vs. Kevin Owens
The Undertaker has essentially been wrestling on his last leg for the last year, and it is obvious that he can’t have the great matches that he used to. With that being said, I think this should be ‘Taker’s last match. Kevin Owens has made it a point to not only beat somebody, but try to end their career, and with the Undertaker, he should do just that.

A win for Owens would be huge, being put over by the Undertaker, one of the greatest of all time, as well as becoming the most hated wrestler by casual fans. It would immediately cement Owens’s legacy, and would be something to push him without putting a title on him. Winner: Kevin Owens

Dean Ambrose vs. Triple H – WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Just like how I would book the #1 Contender’s match at Fastlane, I can see Dean Ambrose being a huge fan favorite with a win here. When everybody thought he won against Seth Rollins, the pop was huge, which shows that he has fan support. There probably wouldn’t be one person who would be against Ambrose going over Triple H and taking the gold (except for Vince McMahon). It’s time for the Lunatic Fringe to become the face of the company. Winner: Dean Ambrose

Because I put Dean Ambrose in the main event, I could not find a spot for Roman Reigns on the card. There is no person I could feud him with while also being interested, so no Reigns on the card.

So there is my WrestleMania 32 match card. Do you like my choices, or would you book it differently? Comment below, or send me a tweet @TravisBrinkley.

Written by Travis Brinkley

Travis Brinkley is the Wrestling Contributor for Get More Sports who watches WWE and Lucha Underground. Occasionally, he will also write about sports video games.

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