This episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race starts with another fight between Miz Cracker and Aquaria — accusations are thrown all over the place.
This week’s first competition is Hey Girl Hey: the most entertaining dancer wins. Guest star Andy Cohen stops by and RuPaul tells the competitors they only have 20 minutes to get ready to country dance.
The drag queens dance their heart out…
Howdy partner! We wish we knew how to quit you, @Andy!
— RuPaul’s Drag Race (@RuPaulsDragRace) March 30, 2018
The two winners of the dance-off? Asia O’Hara and Vixen.
The next challenge: Pharmarusical — this will probably be right up Blair St. Clair’s alley. They will be working in two teams, lead by Asia and Vixen.
Asia: Aquaria, Monique, Dusty, Yuhua, Kalorie, Eureka (who got to choose because she was last to be picked).
Vixen: Kameron, Miz Cracker, Monet, Blair, Mayhem
Already Asia is concerned about having chatty Eureka on her team and, of course, we see Eureka talk and talk. RuPaul discusses everyone’s plans with them and there’s diva next to diva next to diva. Team Vixen says they look good, but aren’t ready for dancing at all. Um, that’s not good. Team Asia’s team is doing really bad as well too.
It’s show time! Michelle Visage, Ross Mathews, Halsey, and Padma Lakshmi are the judges. Up first is Team Asia. They are absolutely slaying it. It’s a hilarious parody.
Do you suffer from severe lack of fierceness? Ask your doctor about
PharmaRusical* on a new episode of #DragRace THURSDAY at 8/7c on @VH1!!
*Side effects may include: severe gagging, loss of wig, gay screaming, spontaneous tongue-pops, and over-exaggerated finger waves.
— RuPaul’s Drag Race (@RuPaulsDragRace) March 25, 2018
Team Vixen is also slaying it. This is killing me. I think I see drag shows in my future.
Next up is Snap Shot: this is where the queens walk the runway.
RuPaul has chosen Team Vixen as the winning team. One performance, Vixen’s, wins the challenge. So that’s a double win this week. That means that one of Team Asia is going home.
The chosen bottom are: Kalorie (again), Monique Heart, and Eureka.
Monique is safe. It’s down to Eureka and Kalorie.
Going home this week: Kalorie.
My favorites in order this week. I’m not making any changes.
Blair St. Clair, 22, from Indianapolis, Indiana
Dusty Ray Bottoms, 29, from New York, New York
Monet X Change, 27, from The Bronx, New York
Asia O’Hara, 35, from Dallas, Texas
Miz Cracker, 33, from New York, New York
Yuhua Hamasaki, 27, from New York, New York
Kameron Michaels, 31, from Nashville, Tennessee
Mayhem Miller, 35, from Riverside, California
Monique Heart, 31, from Kansas City, Missouri
Kalorie Kardashian Williams, 27, from Albuquerque, New Mexico
The Vixen, 26, from Chicago, Illinois
Aquaria, 21, from Brooklyn, New York